MUsic is vocal or instrumental sounds(or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. tones and sounds are combined creatively to create a pleasant or gratifying melody to the ear and soul.
Almost everything in existence has a story behind it but for music, I tend to believe it started before recorded history, its existence started way back from naturally occurring sounds and rhythms like waterfalls or birds chirping. Every known culture or religion has its music. People in the era before history (prehistory) used to imitate natural sounds, It was called primitive music and it was practically used to lure animals during hunting sessions by producing similar sounds to those of the target animals.
Prehistoric music is followed by ancient music from around 1500BC. it starts from folk, indigenous and traditional music. The oldest musical composition was a Greek tune in the first century AD called ''Seikilos Epitaph", it was found engraved on woman's gravesite in Turkey. The earliest melody was called Hurrian Hymn NO.6
After ancient music came to modern evolution music. Its first stage of evolution was the recognition of the human voice as a musical instrument. The voice is presumed to be the original musical instrument and there is no human culture no matter how remote or isolated that does not sing. It is capable of making different sounds ranging from singing, humming, and whistling through clicking, coughing, and even yawning(that's funny though). Khoikhoi and san from Southern Africa are a perfect example.
Musical instruments later followed. Researchers have identified what they believe is the oldest instrument, the flute, made from bird bones or mammoth ivory. Other instruments that followed are bullroarer, lithophones, and later trumpets. Until recently, the music world has greatly immensely changed with modern pieces of equipment like harps, guitars, drumsets, and even beatboxes which are easily accessible.
Biblically, music started from the beginning of creation. in Genesis 4:21, Jubal is described as the first musician in the Bible described as " the father of all who plays stringed instruments", that includes flutes and harps. Theoretically, native music, which is natural sounds and the human voice presided the vocal instruments, meaning music dates back to the beginning of the creation of the universe. Through evolution, the church community has translated bible verses into more sophisticated music forms, for example, the Hymnbook.
As I wind up Chapter 1 of music series, I want to say music is like the world's universal language. Everyone seems to understand the feelings that music evokes. Enjoy music, dance to the rhythm, and move to the beat as you wait for the next chapter. #spread the love.