Monday, August 10, 2020


In the previous chapter, we said that music is a universal language, a dialect that brings together people and cultures. Go even to the most exterior places in the world, or the most miniature communities and you will hear them mention music as a way of lifestyle among them because music is globally recognized. 

Music evokes feelings, either being emotional, being psyched up, feeling high, or just relaxed. Whenever my mind feels clogged, I just listen to a song, dance a bit and maybe sing out loud while some people would prefer to meditate, hit the gym or go for a run(which by the way is accompanied with music for a better effect), or write their thoughts in a journal(I would rather type than write, urgh!!!).

if kids know how to chill na ngoma, who are you?
kids know music, wewe  ni nani?

Music has been understood to reduce stress and treat pain. While a song is playing, emotions are spilled, the sound frequencies and rhythm treat physical ailments by making the pain feel numb or non- existent. Psychologist Daniel J. Levitin, a student of the neuroscience of music at McGill University in Montreal through various studies has established that listening to music is more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery, (Trends in Cognitive Sciences,2013). It helps the brain feel relaxed especially patients suffering from depression.

A sight to uphold happened when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Concerts and tours were canceled so artists, rockstars, pop stars, DJs, and event organizers had to come up with ways to deliver to the audience. From free online concerts, singing and deejaying in the rooftops and balconies to people serenading one another, singing along to their favorite songs and dancing like no one is watching. That’s the power of music.  

                                             Italian DJ playing from his balcony

A meme surfaced online showing a lady cleaning her house bored without music, but when the music’s on she ju7mps on it fast enough. All the areas of your life involve music, your wake-up tune is a song from your playlist, you wake up to switch on the Bluetooth system, the radio or tv, clean the house with earphones on or the audio system blasting the house, you dance and sing in the shower as if you are in Tomorrowland Belgium 2019(hehehehehe).



NOW that’s the pleasure abou
t music, LISTEN TO MUSIC feel happy and let all go. 
REMEMBER when the music hits you, you feel no pain.....Just shut up and dance!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

The story behind music

 MUsic is vocal or instrumental sounds(or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. tones and sounds are combined creatively to create a pleasant or gratifying melody to the ear and soul.

Almost everything in existence has a story behind it but for music, I tend to believe it started before recorded history, its existence started way back from naturally occurring sounds and rhythms like waterfalls or birds chirping. Every known culture or religion has its music. People in the era before history (prehistory) used to imitate natural sounds, It was called primitive music and it was practically used to lure animals during hunting sessions by producing similar sounds to those of the target animals.

                                          an example of a clicK song from South Africa performed by 

   Prehistoric music is followed by ancient music from around 1500BC. it starts from folk, indigenous and traditional music. The oldest musical composition was a Greek tune in the first century AD called ''Seikilos Epitaph", it was found engraved on woman's gravesite in Turkey. The earliest melody was called Hurrian Hymn NO.6


    After ancient music came to modern evolution music. Its first stage of evolution was the recognition of the human voice as a musical instrument. The voice is presumed to be the original musical instrument and there is no human culture no matter how remote or isolated that does not sing. It is capable of making different sounds ranging from singing, humming, and whistling through clicking, coughing, and even yawning(that's funny though). Khoikhoi and san from Southern Africa are a perfect example. 

     Musical instruments later followed. Researchers have identified what they believe is the oldest instrument, the flute, made from bird bones or mammoth ivory. Other instruments that followed are bullroarer, lithophones, and later trumpets. Until recently, the music world has greatly immensely changed with modern pieces of equipment like harps, guitars, drumsets, and even beatboxes which are easily accessible.

                                Hear the World's Oldest Instrument, the "Neanderthal Flute ...    



Biblically, music started from the beginning of creation. in Genesis 4:21, Jubal is described as the first musician in the Bible described as " the father of all who plays stringed instruments", that includes flutes and harps. Theoretically, native music, which is natural sounds and the human voice presided the vocal instruments, meaning music dates back to the beginning of the creation of the universe. Through evolution, the church community has translated bible verses into more sophisticated music forms, for example, the Hymnbook.

   As I wind up Chapter 1 of music series, I want to say music is like the world's universal language. Everyone seems to understand the feelings that music evokes. Enjoy music, dance to the rhythm, and move to the beat as you wait for the next chapter. #spread the love.

                             Set of music logos Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock         Sound and music logo Royalty Free Vector Image   Music Logos (Graphic) by graphicrun123 · Creative Fabrica


Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Covid-19, the pandemic that took the world with surprise has been shutting down different sectors day after day in the whole wide world. With over 2m confirmed cases of corona-virus in the world, and the numbers still expected to rise, desperate measures have been taken to reduce the spread between people. Kenya has not been left behind with 225 confirmed cases as of Wednesday 15th April 2020, the numbers which have been rising daily since the first case was confirmed on March 13th, 2020.

To reduce the rate of spread among Kenyans, the government has been putting measures day after day. Among them has been reducing movements by effecting curfews from 5 A.M. to 7 P.M.,  a move that has seen a majority of Kenyans suffer in the hands of the so-called ''protectors of people''. Another directive was issued by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 6TH April 2020, which barred movement into and out Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale counties with almost all other counties banning both public and private transport consequently.

Since the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 started rising steadily, a section of Kenyans has been pushing for total lockdown, a move that has sparked conversations among Kenyans. Now, am not opposed to total lockdown, but my question is, can everybody survive inside their houses without work? How is the government prepared to help the minority groups in Kenyans; the old, the orphans, people living with disabilities, street families etcetera.

DianaNgilaNMG/ closed shops Nairobi City Market
Well through the help of international and local donors, the government has received monetary aid to fund the Kenya Covid-19 Emergency Response Project that will be providing medical diagnostic services, surveillance and response, treatment centers, medical waste as well as food security and nutrition.  this seems like a breakthrough as all the funds are targeted for all the 47 counties.

Consequently, Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) in conjunction with the Ministry of Health is setting up stages for mass testing in the country in a run to determine how far the virus has spread. So far they have received over 7000 kits which will facilitate the process. All we can do is hope this pandemic comes to an end soon.
      Thank you for taking your time to read my article... share your minds also
       through the comments section below...

Sunday, March 15, 2020


The first phase of the Standard Gauge Railway(SGR) connecting Mombasa and Nairobi was launched by His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta on 31st May 2017, a project that cost KSH 327 billion, funded by the Chinese. The project which was to reduce the time spent by bus from 8 hours to 4 hours was received with jubilation by Kenyans, many as a breakthrough. The first few months into action and everything was running smoothly until the joy slowly started fading away; long-distance truck drivers were calling for demonstrations, hotel operators and businesses were shutting down, bus organizations were counting losses.
File/ Uhuru Kenyatta launches the SGR
Container Freight Stations(CFS) have turned Mombasa into a ghost town, residents are incensed thereby stripping its economic prowess. Long-distance truck drivers from the coast region through their union Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers said their source of income had been hampered with since the SGR freight service started its operations. A directive by CS Transport James Macharia that all cargo to be moved directly via the train meant families rendered homeless and penniless. In a single trip to Nairobi, the cargo train carries around 1000 containers which means 1000 drivers and other assistants are jobless. The drivers through their unions made numerous demonstrations vowing to paralyze SGR operations until the government came to terms with them all to vain. Drivers, turn-boys, loaders, mechanics, and clerks have been affected.
file/ Truck Drivers from Mombasa led by their
                              leaders protest over SGR operations

Small scale business operators and hotel owners have recently been expressing their dissatisfaction since the SGR started its operations. the train service which connects Nairobi and Mombasa directly without any pit-stops means the sellers have only a few customers using buses, private cars and few trucks still in operation. Joint food restaurants, especially at Mtito Andei, have witnessed a major setback ripping profits only when schools are closing or opening or during the holiday seasons.
Bus companies plying the Nairobi-Mombasa route questioned the government over the low fares charged by the SGR that saw their businesses lose customers; between Sh700 and Sh 3000 while the buses charged between Sh900 and Sh2200. Other operators are forced to look for new routes like Kampala and Kigali while the remaining firms are forced to pump more cash to at least compete with SGR, for example, Tahmeed which invested some 12VIP buses each worth over KSh26million.

          thanks for reading my article, kindly leave your comments✔️✔️   

Sunday, March 8, 2020


The January of year 2020 marked a new era in human history after a new epidemic broke out in China. Corona virus quickly was announced as a world pandemic. Chaos rose in the China as well as other parts of the world especially in Chinese based destinations. As panic continued to thrash most countries, Kenya was not left behind but it was not that fast.

Kenyans normally known to criticize, draw conclusions, make jokes out of all situations usually through social media platforms and some even rushing to studios to record and produce songs did just their norm. Proffesor Hamo, a stand-up comedian in the Churchill Show made a joke about Kenyans being carefree and don't cares(mang'aa). As he explains on how Kenyans are hard-headed, he cites the instance when doctors went to diagnose the 239 passengers from China mask free while the passengers themselves had face masks. check out the full video on Youtube...
On the other side, Kenya online comedian(memelords) have been doing their best in easing the tension among Kenyans by creating meme relating to corona virus. One of the images compares corona virus with the locust invasion at the same time clarifying it has no place in Kenya.
Facebook TheMerchantKenya 
Although most Kenyans especially between below 35 years seem unmoved by the pandemic, another group is concerned while taking all necessary precautions. One Shii Njenga through her twitter page expressed her fear and urged the government to make sure Kenyans are "safe in their poverty". Taxi drivers wear even face masks whenever dealing with Chinese citizens.
                       Twitter@Shii_Njenga                                   Twitter@victoramunya
Personally, I think the nature of Kenyans being carefree in all situations is the energy pushing us to the limit and giving us a reason to live everyday. Moreover, memes never bore. On the other hand we need to take necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the virus but that does not mean harassing the Chinese citizens like from the viral video from Kibra last week.
                           Thank you for sparing your time to read my article.
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                                              THANK YOU
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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Free From Rules, Bound By Freedom

             Welcome back to NEWMEDIA707. Its new content every week. This weeks edition is about university you heard back then and the reality that hit your face maybe... Enjoy reading and don't forget to leave your comment down there...         

PHOTO 1 Retrieved from Phone Gallery

I remember back in high school all the “cool dudes and chics” teachers used to invite for career guidance and counseling. Their sight always rang bells in my head and their words got me thinking whether I was putting good enough efforts to join the university. “Work hard, score a good grade and join the university. Huko maisha ni raha tupu’’ well I heeded their wise counsel and joined the Technical University of Mombasa on September 3rd 2018 on a Monday. I had hit one target and now I had \to aim for the second target.

I was both happy and sad at the same time, happy because I can finally have unlimited fun with no one keeping an eye on me; sad because am in a whole new place new people new lifestyles new everything. First came with the accent. The Swahili accent from coastal people is so different from the slang Swahili spoken in ‘bara’.  One tries to feign the accent and you left looking like some idiot.


I stayed in the campus hostels but the ‘enemies of sleep’ AKA kunguni made me relocate to bedsitters around the campus. That comes with a whole new freedom, your going out or coming in bothers no one except you. Then came the trying new stuff, new friends and relationships from different diversities, the same meal seven days a week tatu pojo/maharagwe [3 chapatis and a plate of green grams/ beans] new clothes and different genres of music.  Apparently almost everybody in campus was born on Friday so you know how that goes, it’s parte after parte, alcohol and ‘weed’ rock. Everything comes with an expense, it’s all fun until your account balance reads 27 bob!

PHOTO 2 King'ori and Janet Lulu FM presenters during
happy moments

Retrieved from Phone Gallery

Even so I must confess the university has been one of the best teachers, the experiences, the ups and downs, the breakthroughs, encounters, thrills and fantasies and best of all achieving being able to hold on to my course, mass communication. What the ‘cool dudes and chics’ said, I can comfortably has been true although it has limits. Am still young and with lots of experiences yet to exploit though am sure I will in because old age knocks.

 A lot is yet to be said but I hope you’ve enjoyed. Kindly read, comment and share.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Are You Ready For Break-Up??

Image result for relationship images\
photo/courtesy of
 Normally, people who are connected in some way are said to be in a relationship. Being in a relationship means putting the needs of your partner before your own, being committed to them,settling your differences and considering them when making both small and big decisions. The happiness of your “other half” is the ultimate goal.

However when the expectations go south, the relationship becomes unsafe and toxic. It is characterized by insecurities self-centeredness, dominance and gaining control. Toxic relationships are common between university students with some leading to painful break ups, hatred, injuries and even deaths.
But why do students end up hurting each other?
Most university students find themselves cornered in relationship where they don’t have an exit strategy. Love triangles, unfaithfulness or they are just over obsessed with each other. When the truth finally comes to light, bad outcomes come forthright.
    Another thing proving presence of toxic relationships in universities is gender based violence. A report by African Woman and Child indicates that domestic violence is most common among university students in Kenya. Deaths of female students are just a tip of an iceberg of the number of students suffering in colleges. Read the full report here....   
    Social media has been the peak of bad relationships. Use of social media platforms has made students more vulnerable especially in relationships. Recent studies on the use of social media to build relationships show that most of them end up in violent break-ups or even death.
Image result for am not strong anymore images
photo/courtesy of
Marilyn Monroe said ‘sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall together’. Yeah it’s true you are so in love but why does it hurt so badly. Why do you end up bruised, crying or heartbroken? Here are some tips that might help:
  1. ·    Avoid relying on the internet to build relationships. Make your own firm foundation away from the tips or what everybody else is posting or the moments.
  2. ·    Don’t let peer pressure take control. You see everybody’s dating except you so you feel pressured. Don’t bother, they may be happy in public but privately not. Don’t rush wait till you ready.
  3. ·      Stop waiting for your partner to change. Perhaps you have tried to reason with him/her but no change is showing. Just let them be, change comes from within and it cannot be forced.
  4. ·     Learn to let go. If your partner is bringing more harm either physically or emotionally, let them go. Quit the relationship and realize you deserve better. Know your worth altogether…

 Thank you for reading the article. Kindly comment and critic where you think is unnecessary and share…