Sunday, February 23, 2020

Are You Ready For Break-Up??

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photo/courtesy of
 Normally, people who are connected in some way are said to be in a relationship. Being in a relationship means putting the needs of your partner before your own, being committed to them,settling your differences and considering them when making both small and big decisions. The happiness of your “other half” is the ultimate goal.

However when the expectations go south, the relationship becomes unsafe and toxic. It is characterized by insecurities self-centeredness, dominance and gaining control. Toxic relationships are common between university students with some leading to painful break ups, hatred, injuries and even deaths.
But why do students end up hurting each other?
Most university students find themselves cornered in relationship where they don’t have an exit strategy. Love triangles, unfaithfulness or they are just over obsessed with each other. When the truth finally comes to light, bad outcomes come forthright.
    Another thing proving presence of toxic relationships in universities is gender based violence. A report by African Woman and Child indicates that domestic violence is most common among university students in Kenya. Deaths of female students are just a tip of an iceberg of the number of students suffering in colleges. Read the full report here....   
    Social media has been the peak of bad relationships. Use of social media platforms has made students more vulnerable especially in relationships. Recent studies on the use of social media to build relationships show that most of them end up in violent break-ups or even death.
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photo/courtesy of
Marilyn Monroe said ‘sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall together’. Yeah it’s true you are so in love but why does it hurt so badly. Why do you end up bruised, crying or heartbroken? Here are some tips that might help:
  1. ·    Avoid relying on the internet to build relationships. Make your own firm foundation away from the tips or what everybody else is posting or the moments.
  2. ·    Don’t let peer pressure take control. You see everybody’s dating except you so you feel pressured. Don’t bother, they may be happy in public but privately not. Don’t rush wait till you ready.
  3. ·      Stop waiting for your partner to change. Perhaps you have tried to reason with him/her but no change is showing. Just let them be, change comes from within and it cannot be forced.
  4. ·     Learn to let go. If your partner is bringing more harm either physically or emotionally, let them go. Quit the relationship and realize you deserve better. Know your worth altogether…

 Thank you for reading the article. Kindly comment and critic where you think is unnecessary and share…


  1. Let's all fight this season before it all dooms us #Stop toxic relationships

  2. So painful to loose your life at a young age...
    Let's pull out of toxic triangles of love ...

  3. First of all i love your page layout ❤...second if you tolerate a toxic relationship that's not love...that's fear of rejection and of being on your own...walk symbolizes strength!!!

  4. We should know our value and self worth....then no one will come with intentions to use us ...let's lets know our value

  5. Young people should learn to let go by the way. Nice article 🔥🔥
